Methenolone Enanthate
1 vial of 10ml – containing 100mg/ml
Primobolan is considered a fairly weak steroid. Its anabolic/andro- genic ratings are low and it’s one of the weakest steroids on paper; though, it is stronger than masteron. Since masteron is always related to cutting cycles, on paper primo should gain credibility as a cutting steroid. Primo has a huge advantage over most steroids, as it’s stronger than testosterone at binding to the androgen receptor. As with most dihydrotestosterone (DHT) related AAS, it’s a good aid for fat loss. In addition, primo doesn’t aromatize, so you won’t need an aromatase inhibitor (AI) or SERM with it. Interesting fact, primobolan was tested by old-school bodybuilders as gynecomastia (gyno) treatment back in the 70s and 80s. As strange as it sounds, it has been medically proven to reduce breast tumors in women (which are mainly estrogen related). Since primobolan increases nitrogen retention, it’s been touted as anti-catabolic, and somewhat anabolic (which can be disputed). In simple terms, it helps you keep your muscle mass while you’re dieting. That’s one of the biggest reasons it’s used on cutting cycles. Anecdotally, evidence shows that by using primobolan during low-calorie diets (even 20-30% below your BMR), you can keep your current lean muscle while gaining new muscle tissue. While this seems to be against basic understanding of nutrition, we’ll chuck this one to the magic of steroids. I can safely say, multiple clients of mine have used primobolan for pre-contest or pre-modeling cycles and have literally gained lean mass while losing bodyfat. I’m not saying they became mass monsters, but an average 1 pound of muscle mass per week while dropping bodyfat isn’t too bad.